30/1 2010-mcQ final-1.30-4 p.m
1/2/2010-short essay-1.30-4 p.m
3/2/2010-osce(1-100)-10 a.m
4/2/2010-osce(101-213)-10 a.m
40 hari lagi+-
(ny cuma yg tertulis kt ats jadual,myb akn ada perubahan(diupdate nnti))
salam alaykum^^,
final dah dekat,
sama2 berusaha kearah mencapai keputusan terbaik,
dengan usaha yang terbaik,
niway,doakn sume mumtaz ye^^
n NO ulang2 ny~~
cuma peringatan untuk diri kita semua n diri saya sendiri,
kita tahu kemampuan kita di tahap mana,
andai kita tidak pandai mengurus kemampuan kita,
kita berada di tahap membiarkan diri dalam kebinasaan,
utamakan perkara yang penting,
jika sesuatu perkara kita tidak pasti,
cepat2lah buatkeputusan,mahu atau tidak,
jangan biarkan diri dalam choice n havoc,
musuh utama kita selain syaitan ialah,
diri kita sendiri,
andai kita gagal kawal diri,
kita gagal kawal perkara lain,
ibu pesan-->jage kesihatan,makan ubat klw sakit-->ibu selalu doa amin berjaya
adakah ak sbgai anak hanya biar perkara ini berlaku tanpa usaha??
ak akan buat,semua~~
*maaf if penulisan ini dan sebelumnya ada salah n silap, amik mne yg baik n tinggalkan perkara yg x baik,amalkan bnda yg bermanfaat n abaikan perkara yg sebaliknya,
'berehat' untuk focus kpd perkara yg terpenting skrng^^
semua penulisan sebelum ini hanya pandangan diri,
sebagai pemangkin semangat,
untuk diri yang lemah ini,
kearah someone yg lebih baik,itu sahaja,
salam alaykum^^
class everydays life
pada suatu hari, Rafiq, seorang pelajar medic baru sahaja pulang dari Universiti,ternyata kepenatan yang terpancar di wajahnya menggambarkan pembelajaran bidang perubatan yg sungguh memenatkan diri dan minda,
(perhatian->ini kisah benar2 EXCEPT nama)
sedang dia berehat, sambil menikmati milo 3 in 1 fuse yang dibawa khas dari Malaysia, Rafiq terfikir akan jalan2 yang bakal diambil untuk menjadi seorang pakar jantung, daripada bermula kejayaannya yang cemerlang disekolah lagi sehingga rancangannya untuk mengambil PhD. dan berkhidmat di IJN.
jam 2.15 petang,lagi 15 minit azan asar,
'zohor?lepak jap~'
'klw ak jadi pakar mesti duit ak byk,hehe,'
'ala~MO skrng pn dh 6000 starting, 6000 beb!!'
'suzuki swift 1st car??'
'tp ak ingt blk Malaysia ny nk melabur sket la,wt la apa2 pn,janji masuk duit, even klw ak study kt cni pn,duit kt Msia msk~~~haha'
'++ bley kmpul 60 000 snpjng study ny,pehh!!'
'xpe,duit kmpul dlu~jgn pgi melancong mne2~ dh byk duit,bru pgi tour 1 dunia,kt mne? europe?? japan?? korea?? bley pegi tgk site winter sonata^^'
terlintas juga difikirannya mengenai keluarga yang bakal menjadi tanggungjawabnya,
'hmm,awek ak skrng ny mcm x bley wt isteri jek,'
'lepak sude~ lmbt lg kot nk kawen, pas HO baru kawen'
'tp still awek ak nk kt ak lg,xpe2,ak tnggu die^^'
'nnti ak ajr die sket2 psl agama ny'
'at least taw la jgk nk ajr ank2 ak nnti'
di Malaysia,perbualan antara seorang lelaki dan perempuan
' i dgr, u ngn Rafiq skrng, kn?'
'eh,mne u dgr ni~mne ade~'
' oww,skrng u still single la ek?'
setelah habis milo itu diminum, Rafiq bangun dari tempat duduknya,
tiba2,dada Rafiq terasa sakit, seperti ada batu yang menghempap dirinya,pandangannya menjadi kelam, kabur lalu dia terjatuh dan menyebabkan cawan yang dipegangnya pecah berderai,
dalam kesakitan itu, dia terlihat seseorang, seseorang yang seiras dengannya,tetapi~
'spe ko??'
'aku??ak kan ko~hehe'
'asal ko serabai sgt ny! luka2 n nanah2 ny pe jadah??'
'lek la bro~~ko nnti jd mcmni gak~haha,daaa~~~ see u soon,muaxx!aww!'
Rafiq terkedu, dia cuba bangkit,
'ko nk pegi mne Rafiq~~~~hehehe~dh2~ xpayah ssh diri nk bgn,meh ak tlg ko~~'
'ko spe lak??'
'ak?? ko x knl ak?????'
'ak la kwn ko~ dari dulu smpai bila2,hehehe,'
'a'uzubillah minassyaitanirrajim!'
'HAHA,knl la plak ak??'
'baru nk ingt tuhan~pegi mati la sng~ak jmpe ko kt sne la ek,daaa~~HAHA'
Azan Asar berkumandang~
waktu itu Rafiq sudah tiada lagi di dunia ini,
-kemana pergi ZOHORnya??
-kemana pergi aweknya??
-kemana pergi europe tour??korea?? winter sonata??
-kemana pergi MO??6000??
-kemana pergi swift??
-kemana pergi kejayaan dari sekolah??
wallahu a'lam~~
kemana kita~~~~~syurga or neraka~~~pilih~
u choose,
ur choice,
ur life,
n ur after life~^^
(kisah ini kisah benar2 yang aku terfikir,)hehe^^
class everydays life
salam alaykum,^^
exam midsem-result? boleh hidup la~~haha,
x de nk ckp ape la psl result ny coz benda dh lepas,so,apa yg kte bley wt ialah usaha lagi kuat untuk final SEM ny...all d best untuk sy~hehe
30 january-4 february2010..
berbalik kpd diri yg lemah ini,hanya tahu bercakap tp x aplikasi=sy
penulisan ini hanya sekadar usaha menambah kekuatan utk mengaplikasikan perkara yg dickp^^
bercakap mengenai semua perkara didunia ini,termasuk exam,ialah bersifat SUBJECTIVE/subjektif..
kerana semua perkara depends kt kte,
siapa usaha dia dapat hasil,
if exam,
usaha kearah kemalasan-result teruk
usaha kearah rajin-result ok
even perompak pn kne usaha if nak merompak,s same goes to kte, x kira la student or what so ever,
n klw kte malas,
time dh nk exam baru nk usaha,itu usaha kearah kemalasan^^
klw dh usaha kearah kemalasan,
x gne pn doa coz kte usaha kearah itu,Allah x ubah nasib sesuatu kaum melainkan mereka ubah nasib mereka sendiri,
ble x usaha + doa sahaja,
kadar tawakkal kte pn berada pada tahap x hengat dunia,
(coz x study,mengelabah~~~)
sampai mcm2 usaha yg unlogic n x ptt dibuat,
-baling dadu,
-ttp mata,,pastu ltk jari kt mne ABCDE yg kne,(pernah buat,haha)
-bismillah~bkk mata! tgk huruf mne 1st jmpe!(pernah jgk,^^)
n macam2 lg~~~
so maknanya,
kadar usaha,doa n tawakkal itu perlu kepada something yang x menimbulkan fitnah terhadap agama la kn??
mksd ftnah ny,
contoh~kuat ibadah tp x study dgn cara yg betul,
result teruk,
pandangan org??
haa~ check blk~
bg org yg fhm akn ckp-at least die ngn Allah ok,TP,kita bercakap mengenai org yg KURANG faham,
apa yg die fikir??
n even,if nk berdakwah n so on~ingat!
priority kita bukan setakat untuk orang disekeliling kte shj,
besar lg matlamat kte,jgn risau,
Allah bersama kita^^
n if klw kte hanya tertutup dan nampak "x boleh x,mesti kt cni jgk nk ubah org",
so,kte yg kne ubah mind setting kte,
berbalik jgk la kpd usaha^^
jika kita tahu yg kemampuan kita bkn sekadar disini,bahkan lebih jauh dan lebih berkualiti, apakah hanya kerana kita berasa kita tidak berbuat apa2 sekarang, bererti kita tidak fikir panjang??
org yg faham-kne taw yg kte berMATLAMAT yg SAMA, mungkin cuma cara dan PENDEKATAN yg berbeza,^^
-walau apa cara sekalipun, berfikirlah secara dalam n jauh,
-fikir outcome(ap yg kita nk) dan fikir cara yg terbaik utk kearah itu
-doakn sy mengaplikasikan semua benda ini^^
class everydays life
salam alaykum^^
b4 msk point,
ny la perkara yg ak pernah waktu ngn family^^
kdg2 ibu ckp dgn pokok,
"berbuahla lebat2 ye~kuarkan bunga yg cantik2 taw~"
abah ckp ngn btg pancing,
"bg dpt ikan besar2,rezeki Ali~hehe"
ita ckp ngn broadband die,
"asyik putus2 jek"
aiyshah ckp ngn YM die,
"min,tgk~hehe,chatting ngn die"
Ali ckp Naruto die,
"sup sup sup, gamabunta!"
actlly x berckp ngn sspe pun,kn?haha,tp ntah mcmne kita x taw BILA kita berckp dgn EXACT DIRI sendiri,^^
terdetik utk promote lagu insyaAllah-maher zain,
lagu ny agk inspiring,
utk sspe yg rse 'down' n nk kn 'will' tu blk,
to kak quia,sy bg link list imeem akk ea,tq^^
imeem kak quia-maher zain-insyaAllah
apa kata kita ubah sket,hehe,
kte guna diri kita,
bkn U(you)
wt ever panggilan,sy,ak,kita,kami~~
setelah lirik ini ditukar^^
(angkat tgn ye^^)
'WE' last skli dikekalkan coz,
kte doakn jgk utk semua orang,
jgn lpe!
elak pentingkan diri,
setiap doa kita,
bkn I(sy/aku)
jom doa^^
ampunilah dosa kami,
kedua ibubapa kami,
guru2 kami,
saudara2 kami,
rakan2 serta muslimin keseluruhannya,
berilah apa yg terbaik untuk kami,
kerana kami telah lakukan apa yg terbaik untuk diri kami,
berkati kehidupan kami n matikan kami dalam penyaksian,
tiada tuhan selain Allah n nabi Muhammad itu pesuruh Allah"
class everydays life, lyrics
salam a'laykum^^,
sbgai orang Msia, sume orang taw yg Perlis ialah yg plg utara n Johor plg selatan, disambung utamanya melalui LR utara-selatan.
tempoh perjalanan---13 jam-1 way,
let say rmh kt Perlis n nk lawat kg. kt Johor,
matlamat kte ke Johor,
ap yg kte nmpk along d way?
3-kenderaan lalu lalang
5-jalan raya
apa sbnrnya yg ingin disampaikan??
hidup kte x ubah seperti itu,
analogikan diri kte sbgai kereta yg bergerak menuju matlamat,
sebelum bergerak- kita kne check diri kte,adakah mampu utk 13 jam perjalan itu?tayar ok? minyak ada? battery?
sng cte~ dh service blom??
klw dh service,jgn ragu2 utk teruskan perjalanan anda^^
TP kne ingat,
spanjng perjalanan trdpt iklan2 dan susur keluar,sume ini menjauhkan kte dari matlamat kte, n~
-minyak makin kurang
-sume aspect makin krg
-driver pn penat
itu lah gnenye R&R,
isi minyak blk,rehat sebentar, refresh blk ap2 yg x fresh dh,dptkan semangat n will utk terus ke MATLAMAT,^^
kembali la kpd ap yg boleh mmbuatkan kte refresh blk,sume org taw diri masing2,n something yg confirm akn wt kte refresh blk ialah;
-something yg tiada kelemahan,Allah^^
ok~ sambung perjalanan,n dh nk sampai kg dh ny!! yeay!!!
dh call atok n nenek yg kte dh nk smpai,
kereta kte sume hancoz, n kte nampak kereta kte sendiri~
Eh! asal ak keatas?
makin jauh plak ngn kereta kte?
n waktu tu baru kte sedar yg kte x mampu nk sampai ke matlamat tersebut,
yg dahulu kte iya2kan mahu,
x sempat nk jmpe atok n nenek,
kte jmpe tuhan yg ciptakan kte,
something yg memberikan kte kereta td,
kereta yg kite x service,
kereta yg kita singgah kt R&R,
-service la kereta kte sehabis baik, agar x sangkut kt highway,
-berhenti,rehat n regain blk semangat n tenaga di R&R, n pilihlah dari something yg tiada kelemahan
-walau ap pn iklan dan halangan2 spnjng highway itu, tetaplah utk ke matlamat kte,
-jika ditakdirkan kte sampai ke matlamat kte, ketahuilah kereta kte itu akan menjadi BESI BURUK dan akan mati
-jika ditakdirkan kte accident di tengah jalan di highway itu, ketahuilah kte sudah wt ap yg terbaik utk kereta kte,service n rehat di R&R, n semestinya kte redha krn kte telah berusaha sehabis baik^^
pengakhiran bahawa diri kte ini sgt lemah, BANYAK kelemahan, KURANGKAN kelemahan itu,TAMBAHKAN kekuatan,
rendahkn diri kte sebaris dgn rakan2 kte yg lain,
rasalan apa yg bukan se fikrah dgn kte rse,
kereta2 lain yg terdapat di highway itu n mempunyai matlamat tersendiri, hanya seperti kereta kte td,
berbeza2~ pelbagai~ macam2~
servicenya bagaimana?
TIDAK DIBERITAHUKAH ttg had2 kelajuan?
berhentikah di R&R?
fikirkan dan usahakan~
" usaha sememangnya usaha, doa n tawakkal itu salah satu dari usaha, dalam doa ada semangat n ketabahan,dalam tawakkal ada think for d worst"
class everydays life
ap lg yg disedihkan hati??
mereka kaya,didalam papa,^_^
mereka memadai dengan tuhannya,itu kebahagiaan diwaktu sempit seorang diri,dan mereka dirasai ramai walaupun keseorangan,
ap yg kte kesalkan??
jangan ragu langsung dalam keimanan,
berjuang dan berkorban itu sememangnya pahit,
kerana syurga dan redha itu manis,
bukan sedikit harga yang perlu dibayar,
bukan sedikit pedih dan sakit yang ditagih,
what is the main difference of conventional and manchester programme(PBL)?=practical aspects??
so,we apply it here~
application of manchester programme + equation of mathematics,
apa yg bangkit?? dimana?? bila?? bagaimana?? siapa??
-phase III-?
-phase IV-?
-phase V-?
siapa-KITA]=bermula dengan KITA diakhiri dengan ISLAM.
yg berasa perlu akn pengakhiran itu,
ttp di TAHAN oleh kelemahan diri,
itu normal,
semua org ada kelemahan,
kerana itulah kelemahan itu perlu ditampung,
oleh siapa?
orang yg tiada kelemahan itu dan dia sendiri ada kelemahan lain,
akn ada org lain yg yang tampung kelemahan dia dan dia sendiri ada kelemahan lain,
e.g-[subjA= ada kelemahan Aa + kekuatan Bb
subjB= ada kelemahan Bb + kekuatan Aa=balance(homeostasis)]=buffer process]]=EPIDEMIOLOGY of ISLAM
---->>make sure that ISLAM will become pandemic again~
class everydays life, islam
"orang yg pegi solat jemaah kt masjid= kena gelak?"
"orang yg x solat=cool?"
lps mati 'kita' kt MANA?
ya Allah~
jumud(tertutup) nye pemikiran kte~~
now we are really in a big problem here,
setahu ak kt mesir ny,
+ kita melayu islam,
dh xde situasi yg sme mcm time nabi dulu,
kena perli kalau tutup aurat,
" x hot la klw x pkai mcmni~"
kena pulau kalau x se'geng',
kena kutuk kalau ajak wt baik,
tp asal ade jek orang yg wat?
berpecah belah
+ ny kt mesir~~
kt mesir~~~~
bkn kt UK~
do NOTHING is really really ok rather than kte x solat,
n yet what for kte hidup,
lpas MATI,nk pegi MANA?
y don't kte jd diri kte sendiri?
come back to our fitrah,
fitrah kte ialah bertuhankan Allah,
bersosial kearah Dia,
"hanya pandai berkata2 tanpa tindakan"=aku
somehow i just wonder how the situation after 3 or 4 years later here,
IF the condition doesn't improve,
i know it coz i had been observed in both views,
one of 4s=do nothing
one of 4s=do what they think it is right but none of them is right
one of 4s=do nothing+make it worse
one of 4s=really know what they do+ know how to deal
sorry for the really unresponsive efforts,
forgive me Allah~
i'll try my best but what i really do and i want all of my friends to know,
i really really pray that we(me n others here) will be in the right path,
" sesiapa pun x akan bertindak jika terasa tiada kepentingan"
class everydays life, islam, love
3.30 pg.mansoura,daqahliyyah,egypt
runsing,x tahu kenapa,kepala pening, egypt menang ke x.. apesal ak ni??
tak cukup vitamin?mungkin~
hal jpc x siap?mungkin~
x study?maybe~
tp mata dh macam terasa berat,
mungkin selepas ni klw nk tido kena tulis sket apa2 kot,baru bley hilang serabut,hmm,btol3,
maknanya, kita expresskan apa yang ade kt dlm diri ni supaya tenang sket,
ttbe teringat kt orang jauh yang ttbe jd dkat, parent ak kt mekah,waa~ dekat jek, baru td ibu call, clear jek ckp tp ak lak slack mcm blur2 x taw nk ckp apa, hopefully diorang ok n doakn la ak kt cni n adik2 kt Msia,
adik2 kt Msia!
mcmne la diorang, x cntct2 pn,ish2,ape punye abang~
hmm,tp diorang kental,haha..lek sude~~^^
*hilang dh serabut sket~*
bermonolog dalaman~
kita masuk ke segment yang lebih kritikal,
apakah 'in a nutshell' perkara2 diatas??
CHECK blk apa yg ada dalam diri n dalam HATI~
etc. regarding feeling~
semua perkara itu boleh disimpan,tp itu racun-_-',perlu
menjadi satu penawar yang boleh buat kita senyum^_^
luahkan,x semua perkara boleh diluahkan kpd manusia,
spe lagi??
tu kt atas tu xnk mintak??
malu la~~
"mne ade org taw maa~go on jek~"
jom try test tgk(ayt keling)
Nabi s.a.w bersabda: "Sesiapa yang menolak kata-kata buruk terhadap kehormatan diri saudaranya(tidak bercakap buruk mengenai sahabat,kawan dan orang sekeliling), nescaya Allah menolak api neraka daripada mengenainya pada hari kiamat."
Abu darda' RA
class everydays life, islam, love
Labbaik ala Shareeka laka Labbaik,
Innil Hamda,
Wan Ni’mata,
Laka wal Mulk,
Laa Shareeka Lak,
alhamdulillah~Allah telah memperkenankan doa ibu dan abahku,
insyaAllah 9 Nov ny,
akan ke tanah suci Mekah,
menjadi tetamu Allah yang Maha Agung,
pemergian itu bukan satu perpisahan atau kesedihan,
tetapi satu anugerah,
kepada insan yang terpilih,
sememangnya bukanlah senang jika hati ini,
untuk tidak menyatakan,
beratnya pemergian ini,
ego anak itu tergadai apabila ia berjauhan,
tapi tidak mengapa,
amin tahu pemergian itu,
pemergian suci,
dipermudah urusan,
diperkenan doa,
selamat pergi dan pulang,
byk list2 doa yg amin nk mintak,^^
- doakan kita sekeluarga n family2 lain diberkati umur
- diampun dosa2 sedar atau x sedar
- dipermudah urusan dunia dan akhirat
- cemerlang dalam pelajaran dan masa hadapan(ehem~)
- diberatkan mizan dengan pahala n dikurangkan dosa
- permudah laluan sirat mustaqim
- diambil buku catatan dengan tangan kanan dan penuh kegembiraan
- bertemu Allah dalam redha
"yaAllah, hanya Engkau sahaja yang mengetahui hatiku ini,
betapa gembira bercampur sedih sedang aku lalui,
tabahkan hatiku,hati adik2ku, ibu dan abahku,
biarlah airmata yang mengalir ini airmata yang gugur dari kasihnya kami sesama kami,
biarlah sakitnya perpisahan itu dari redhanya hati ini,
kuatkanlah kami,tabahkanlah kami, perkenankan doa kami,
sungguh,Engkau maha pemurah,pengasih,penyayang,pengampun dan berkuasa atas sesuatu,
kepadaMu kami berserah setelah kami berusaha,
Engkau hanya satu2nya tempat bergantung kami,
tiada lain selain Engkau ya Allah~" Amin~ ya Allah~ya Rabbal A'lamin~ huhu
class everydays life, islam, love
setiap yg dtg pasti akn pergi,
hakikat hidup klw x hilang sesuatu maka kte bkn manusia, the only One yg dpt n x hilang2,
mmg senang ble bercakap,tp klw kte yg hadapi,
kte sendiri yg taw,org lain x rse,
kte cuma hanya pndai bermain perasaan,
coz kte bkn tuhan,
kte manusia biasa yg lemah n memerlukan kekuatan,
dr satu sumber yg xde kelemahan,
nk harap kawan,kawan bzi,
nk harap saudara,ape jek yg bley dtolong,
nk harap teman,teman jauh,
setelah hbis semua list2 pengharapan, adakah xde lg ruang utk tuhan sbgai tmpt berharap?
at last,kekuatan dr yg tiada kelemahan itulah yg kita cari,
kepada Dia jgklah kita menangis,
kpd Dia jgklah kita bersyukur,
lantas hati yg dulu lemah,
semakin kuat utk melangkah,
sabarlah dgn ujian,
tabahlah dgn kenyataan,
luahknlah jge kpd sesuatu yg berperasaan manusia,
tidak rugi walau sesaat utk meluahkan satu perkara,
yg mungkin boleh mnghantui diri ini smpai mati,
kita sume sama, menangis bersama, gembira bersama,
itu ialah kita,
manusia biasa

surah Luqman-ayat 14
"And We have enjoined on man(to be good)to his parents;in travail upon travail did his mother bear him,and in years twain was his weaning: (hear the command),'Show gratitute to Me and your parents.To Me is( your final) goal"
translation~ "Dan kami memerintahkan kepada manusia(agar berbuat baik) kepada orang tuanya.Ibunya telah mengandungnya dalam keadaan lemah yang bertambah-tambah,dan menyusukannya dalam usia 2 tahun.bersyukurlah kepadaKu dan kepada kedua orang tuamu.Hanya kepada Aku kembalimu"
salam alaykum^^,
saat ny baru shj habis main futsal ngn arab, menang 6-4! yay!!eh2, alhamdulillah-_-',hehe.. anyway, sekejap lg nk study, nk siapkan case yang x siap2, skrng case 3 n fortunately imma the chair! waa~ malas la chair2 ny,hish,xpe~lepak sude ye dak?^^
oww lpe, actlly trnampak gmbr ny kt laptop,so, nk ltk r kt blog,kot2 abah,ibu,ita,ct,ali n yg lain bce,hehe,
ingt gmbr ny?haaa~ ny la amin ngn ct aiyshah,haha, comel x?^^ aiyshah la~ amin mmg comel,haha, dulu la,skrng ny x dh^^,
x ingat la ny thn ble,mcm darjah2,x sure darjah bpe n kt mne,huhu,
tu baju kiko kn??hehe, dlu pkai baju jenama2 tu, pastu pakcu ckp,ingt lg, die ckp, nnti dh besar nnti xkn nk pkai kiko kot, kne la pkai armani,crocs,cap payung(fav abah^^), snails n mcm2, terase la plak kn, so kne la tkr, skrng x main la kiko2 ny,tp tu la yg byk tutup badan amin dlu,haha..
klah nk study, lg 2 mggu akn ad mid sem,pehh, dahsyat,kejap jek dh half sem,ish2, doakn amin ye,^^
renungan sket~
albaqarah ayt 195
"And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah,and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction; but so good;for Allah loves those who do good"
"dan infakkanlah(hartamu) di jalan Allah dan janganlah kamu menjatuhkan (diri sendiri) ke dalam kebinasaan dengan tangan sendiri,dan berbuat baiklah,Sungguh,Allah menyukai orang2 yang berbuat baik"
class everydays life, love, past time memories
salam alaykum,
saat ini,tengah berfikir apa yang telah berlaku semalam,masih diingat atau x?
hopefully ingat,n terdetik la plk nk tulis entry ny, sengaja dicetuskan,untuk kefahaman yang SANGAT general~ i mean pegang dulu benda ny,baru semua benda selamat^^
konsep yang sangat mudah untuk difahami, praktikal dan disampaikan,ni apa yang sy pegang sepanjang life saya dari dulu smpai ble2,insyaAllah~
usaha dengan usaha yang betul,
doa dan tawakkal adalah termasuk dalam usaha,
dalam doa terdapat azam dan semangat,
dalam tawakkal terdapat 'think for the worst'"
Islam itu sangat sangat mudah tp jangan kita MEMPERMUDAHKANnye~
sedikit petikan ayat Al-quran,
Albaqarah-44 & 45
"do you enjoin right conduct on the people and forget(to practise it) yourselves, and yet you study the scripture? will you not understand?.Nay,seek(Allah's) help with patient perserverance and prayer; it is indeed hard,except to those who bring a lowly spirit"
"mengapa kamu menyuruh orang lain melakukan kebajikan,sedang kamu melupakan dirimu sendiri,padahal kamu membaca kitab(taurat)?tidakkah kamu mengerti?.dan mohonlah pertolongan(kepada Allah) dengan sabar dan solat.dan(solat) itu sungguh berat,kecuali bagi orang-orang yang khusyuk"
class everydays life, islam
salam alayk,
tiba2 terdetik mahu berbicara mengenai route yang kita ambil sekarang,sebelum ini dan akan datang.
perlu kepada bayangan physics yg kuat sket~ lukis pn bley~^^
bumi itu berbentuk sfera, nk sng berbentuk bulat,
let say kita bygkan depan kita ada atlas bumi,replika bumi,
bermula dari satu titik, let say malaysia,
n kita nk bergerak ke barat,saje nk lawat amerika, kita wat satu line lurusss jek,x bengkang bengkok,pusing satu bumi,
N ternyata kita akan sampai msia blk,x kira la kita lalu atas air ke,lalu kt afrika ke,korea(teringat drama korea) ke,israel ke, tapi klw kita terus jek, kita akan sampai kt mana kita bermula,
pernah dengar analogi hidup ini ibarat roda,kadang2 kita kt atas n kadang2 kita kt bawah?
haa, yg ni hidup kita ibarat bumi,yang bermula di satu titik n akan berakhir di titik yang sama
jika kita bergerak LURUS^^
kita masuk bahagian physics yg dalam sket~
let say sudah beberapa saat kita wat line kt atlas tu,
kita tersenget sket,dh la gune permanent artline! pastu klw kita rse nk tukar ke line yg lurus blk,
-x cantik dh la line tu kn??
-n klw kite nk guna liquid pn PASTI akan ade kesan2 terconteng tu kn??
let say if kita TERUSKAN~
apa akan jadi? kita dh silap line tp kita ckp biarla sket jek~~
ini la kita~
cbe la kita teruskan wat line yg kte tergerak sket td, CRIUSLY kte x akan smpai kt MSIA blk!
ntah mne2 negara ntah, tp 4 sure!
secara physics nya kte akan pusing berpuluh2 kali bahkan beratus2 kali nak sampai ke msia blk IF kte x betulkan ape yang kte slh awl2 td~
cbe tgk balik,btol x ap yg sy ckp ny??
pliz,try this anywhere^^
inilah route hidup kita~~
selagi kita ade peluang utk perbetul diri,
-wt la satu garisan yg perfect,usaha! x usaha xdpt,
ayt yg sy HOLD btol2 dari dlu smpai skrng,
doa n tawakkal itu usaha,dalam doa kita berazam,dalam tawakkal ade 'think for d worst'^^
class islam
salam alaykum^^
sje2 nk mengimbas blk ape yg berlaku b4 ny,skrng ny pkl 9.35 mlm wktu egypt,supposely kne study time ny, tp kuran ad mood so wt la kje2 yg bley menambah mood,
ny la dalam bilik hotel kt bahrain,agk exclusive gak la,besar pn besar,menarik2, cuma x best coz time ny nk blk egypt blk,huhu, pttnye wt la time nk blk msia,bru lg best, ye dak??
sori la ek,terbalik la plk~actlly lpe nk rotate,err^^ny kt rmh atok sblh ibu,pkai telekung tu ibu n atok,mak cik(cu) yg tgh bersndar kt atok,ank die yg tgh2, sy bersandar kt sebelah ibu, n ita yg x taw ape jenis pose,haha
argghh~ ny tgh tunggu solat raya kot,rsenye la,eh2,xx, bru blk dari kubur rsenye, eh,ntah la,huhuhu
abah,ibu n sy,kt rmh pak uda,yg dlu rmh atok sblh abah,x persan lak sme warna ngn baju dinding2 kt belakang tu,haha,
taun dpn warna merah!d whole family,haha,abah mmg suka wt muka mcmtu, org skrang pnggil muka steng~ jek,haha,ali dh besar~~hahaha
class past time memories
salam alayk kpd sume terutama familyku^^
hari ny pkl 9.30 pg,jumaat, tlh berjaya online mnggunakan broadband etisalat yg baru dibeli,
bkn kerana apa,cuma ingin menambah accessory yg bley menambah focus dlm study^^
alhamdulillah amin sehat2 jek, cuma b4 ny banyak pgi alex n cairo coz nk amik kwn2 n cek mara, so penat sket,tp still xde masalah,
kelas pn dh start semalam,alhamdulillah,grouping yg menarik,sume dahsyat~maknanye hebat2~
lecturer pn ok^^nme die dr. Mai~hehe,
doa2kanla smooth jek ek study amin ny,xde masalah n so on^^
ckp psl gmbr ny, ade bnde2 yg baru dibeli,haha, kipas belakang tu,alamari sblh die, meja study ny n study lamp,^^
psl tu rse semangat nk study sem ni n sem2 seterusnya ny, cuma~~~~
x best langsung,haha,criusly, berlekok2~kne bli yg mahal sket kot,
klah,tc ye sume^^
class everydays life
salam alayk, 6 n 7 october ny byk bnde yg tersirat dan tersurat yang berlaku, kalau kt egypt ny, 6 october ialah tarikh kemerdekaan negara ini, secara x langsung ialah cuti umum^^haha,
that's the main point,
anyway,ade lagi satu perkara best dalam 6 n 7 october ny, ade la 2 org tu punye bfday n 2 2 ny merupakan penggerak utama dalam perjalanan hidup start lahir sampai la mati insyaAllah,
rasanya 2 orang ny ade ciri2 yang same, bak ckp dr. fadzilah kamsah,
tp mngkin berbeda la laki n pmpn,
payah sgt nk ckp ny, slmt hari lahir kpd dinda n ayahanda^^
sehat2 selalu n didoakan diberkati umur, dimurahkan rezeki, dipertingkt amalan,
dikuatkan iman n tabah dalam apa jua keadaan, sentiasa berada dalam keadaan yang terbaik n mndapat apa sahaja yang terbaik^^
niway,doaknla amin kt cni ye~~
rindu sgt kt anda semua,Allah jek taw mcmne,huhu,criusly, nk nangis tp x taw kt spe,so bley doa jek~
tc ye~doaknla amin kt cni sehat,dpt study dgn baik n cemerlang, dpt apa yg terbaik n dpemudah urusan,amin^^
class everydays life
salam alayk~
time tgh tulis ny ade kt BiA,bahrain international airport, agk cantik kt cni,mmg cantik pn,haha, niway, alhamdulillah setakat ny x de ap2 halangan, insyaAllah doaknla ok jek spnjng journey ny n dpt bljr dgn baik n tenang hingga habis pengajian^^
kepada abah,ibu,ita,aiyshah,ali,ct,sedare2 n kwn2 yg laen, tq sgt2 coz bg amin semangat utk teruskan journey ny, rindu sangat kt anda semua,nk nangis ny tp kne tahan, amin kn kuat n tough,huhu,
ttbe teringat time ibu suapkan sikit mknn kt Klia td~-_-huhu,
jge la diri elok2,semua n so on,insyaAllah dh smpai nnti amin bgtaw, doakn amin ye, brjye dunia akhirat,
k,nnti amin update lg ye,tc sume,sayang sume~huhu,
class everydays life
alhamdulillah,bersykur sgt dpt selesai rye kt kpg.^^ ad byk kenangan yg x bley lpe n ad yg smpt dicoretkn melalui vid cam n cam itself, so nylah hasilnye~
semua ny family sblh mak,sblh ayh akn menyusul ye~sabar2~~
byk lg nnti~hehe
lpe!! tema fmly krang hijau!!hehe, ade org tu biru~fav tu^^ taun dpn wrna merah-merah, tp x taw nk ckp mcmne,dicadangkan oleh nenek sy,coz die dh wt kain bju rye utk sy,haha, advance btol~~adik k3 ali usin(hijau) bersama big boss yg nk amik pmr taun ny,haha,all d best!!^^
bersama adik yg k2,ct~
asal mcm tegang jek situasi tu,haha~
adik beradik sblh mak~dari kiri,mak ngah,mak sy,atok(nenek) sy n cu sy~
tensi yg hilang,hahaha~
ny my sepupu sblh mak,ade 2 org xde~munirah yg kecik comel tu n keri yg pergi 'jordan' haha~
lg skali^^
ny family mak ngah~keri yg pergi 'jordan' tu x de~taun lps yg pegi 'jordan' yg kiri skali tu,even sy pn mmg xde taun lps,hehe~
ny family sy~sume dh beso2~byk tnggjwb ny~
ny fmly pak cu sy~ sume ade~yg kecik comel tu pn ade^^
class everydays life
first of all~SELAMAT HARI RAYA^^-meh dtg rmh!(tp ak xde le~)
the nature of human mind is NOT reading.
its understanding.
forget about the title,
i do not like reading nor writing,haha
if you like,please read~
the one who understand himself does not have to pull his trigger by doing other things,despite to confine himself in a closed mind.
this writing is dedicated to all my friends and others,to share that we have our mission which not yet accomplished but actually had been told to us a long time ago and yet we MUST accomplish them,
please DO this;
'everyone of you is a guider,and each of you will be asked for what you have been guided'-hadis sahih
arkanul bai'ah(rukun baia'h)(utk pemimpin N berbalik kpd hadith di atas)--
- faham
- ikhlas
- amal
- jihad
- tadhihiyyah(berkorban)
- taat
- thabat(tetap pendirian)
- tajarrud(jati diri)
- ukhuwwah(persaudaraan)
- thiqah(kepercayaan)
these things had already told by our big brother in Islam-Hassan Al-Banna,
HE is the one who once had transform the DISCO or PUB into a MOSQUE in 1 night! who are we??
do we the one change 'the mosque into the PUB'??which vice versa??
YES!! we CHANGE it!!
- we dont take any action to ourselve to be a better person,
- to be the one who do deeds,
- to be the one who bring along our friends to the right path,
- to do things just for Allah.
we transform the mosque into the pub,ask ourselve what we had done before~
we did it~
"ya Allah,ampunkan dosa kami,kedua ibubapa kami,keluarga kami,rakan2 kami dan orang islam amnya,
kami sayang diri kami dan mereka ya Allah,
sesungguhnya kami tidak tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kami,bimbinglah kami,
tidak tahu masa hadapan kami,permudahkan kami,
kami tidak tahu akan dosa kami,ampunilah kami,
kami tidak tahu nasib kami di sana,kami mohon syurga milik kami,
redhalah kehidupan kami di dunia dan sejahtera di akhirat"

class islam
for the listener;
- zzZzZzz~~(man without head(with head pointed on the lap)when see from the back)
- sudden shock!(sleepy but then suddenly shock and 'melatah')
- fluid flowing from the mouth(yuks!)
- mind doesn't focus on the preach(mengelamun~)
- brothers at the back do not pray(even there are also elders,what a shame)
- the azan is just tooooo 'high'~alaa~~syahdunye~(the spirit to listen just disappear!)
- monotone(standard~)
- do not know well how to attract people to listen
to remind each other,to gain new knowledge..
but how many time we go to jumaat prayer,get something useful and practice it in our life??
can't we bring along note book or mp3 player to record or at least focus??
then tell our family of what we heard of??
if this things just continue and people do nothing bout it, for sure it will bring a bad thing to Islam and its people itself,
because, non-muslim know that with this gathering,muslim can remind each others,how to strengthen the people, unite again and plan new strategy,
but muslim themselve do not likely to follow the goods and benefits of this preach,
while non-muslim strengthen themselve by just knowing that muslim can do something with this preach,
muslim itself weaken themselve by take for granted of what the advantages behind this preach,what a shame~
(we can see it here in Malaysia)
then,also,while 'others' can unite with their community(persatuan2),muslim people here in malaysia still ignore to CHOOSE the mosque,if this is from ******** party, better pray at the other mosque,still a big shame~
once again i just want to say that,
*giving others opportunities is not a big deal(their right),build the temple and so on,Islam really open with this,as long as they concern about others,no distraction and so on..
some people angry with the placement of the temple,BUT how many muslim(they) do pray to the mosque in 5 times prayers?? and now still did not understand why they angry for, GO to the mosque,then you can talk about others,
let say,if 'others' want to demolished mosque that EMPTY?? they said that it is a waste coz no people come,its better use to make a shop lot,THEN?? still want to protest that the placement is wrong??
if the time come~
*even in the not much civilized country like egypt,they MUST be at least a mosque just near the church,hurmm~
sorry for the unsuitable points in different title,huhu
nothing to do with the title,just read please^^
from those around, i hear a cry,
A mouthful sob,a hopeless sight,
a hear their footsteps,leaving slow,
and then i know,must soul must fly,
a chilly wind,begins to blow,
within my soul,from head to toe,
and then last breath,escapes my lips,
its time to leave and i must go,
so its true but its too late,
they said each soul has it given date,
when it must leave its body's core,
and meet with eternal fate,
oh God,oh God,i cannot see,
my eyes are blind,am i still me?
or has my soul been led astray,
and forced to pay a priceless fee,
at last to dust,we all return,
some shall rejoice while others burn,
if only i,knew that before,
the line grew short and came my turn,
and now as beneath the sod,
they lay me when my record flawed,
they cry not knowing i cry worse,
for they go home,i face my GOD!
oh,mark the word that i do say,
who knows tomorrow could be your day,
at last it comes to heaven or hell,
decide which now do not delay,
come on my brothers let us pray,
decide which now DO NOT DELAY~
*every year we took them for granted,ramadhan comes and go without any of us benefit it,so,in this ramadhan,please do what we have to do,do deeds as much as we can,pray that LAILATUL QADAR be with us,amin~and who know TOMORROW could be our DAY(-_-)
class islam
3 months full of joy, with all around make world seems like mine,
just cant deny how much i love my parent,siblings n her,but the denial make things worse,
cannot say it by mouth is such an ego for a boy who just live alive for only 19 years,
despite of people who had already lived 3 times a life time to me.
so and so,
my life just struck by something that can change me forever,
the definition of wisdom which undefined by others except me,
feelings that i really want to bring it till after life,
to the end of the time where something couldn't resist.
it said that,
i have my right to choose,
to choose, is my life, not others,
forget about others,
me myself knows better than the others.
this world does not yet hear my voice,
hear that i know her well,
this world does not yet face it,
to show myself with my full heart.
once i said this will be my last,
who knows tomorrow really my last,
before it comes to its end,
i hope that this will be the first to be read by her.
oh Allah,forgives me if my path is wrong,
show me the right one or else i am lost,
no way that You are not my God,
because once i believe, totally i believe.
i love them damn much,huhu.
*dedicated to my parent,siblings,her,friends and others
class everydays life
S.U.K(suk(arabic)=pasar/market) Perak, PERAK MARKET/PASAR PERAK
penghantar: Bunyamin Abdullah ble? 3:42 AM*the title=i like it=i mean it
this post is dedicated to our leaders in what ever level or course INCLUDING we ourselve (which mean ALL)to ALL~~
"setiap daripada kamu ialah pemimpin, dan setiap daripada kamu akan ditanya akan apa yg kamu pimpin"
"each of ye is a guider(leader), and each of ye also will be asked of what you have been guided"
A bilal(muazzin,people who calling for prayer in Islam) is a status where in the time of our prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H, was a status which really people at that time wanted to be,
An Imam(the one who lead the prayer) is a status which people at that time really don't wanted to be.(they really uphold this hadis)
sometimes to be a stepping stone/back stage(things or person who cause something happen) to others are likely more reliable compared to the one who really show they themselve but do nothing towards it,*think +vely,no else want to get to the front
*just an ignorance for those didn't realize what happen in SUK Perak this day, you know yourself better than others, and Allah knows you better than you yourself
class everydays life
notice that,
it is just a list! not that i had already finished reading all of these or study these before,
i don't start it yet,even a word~
it is just a motivation for me and those who see it to study in this last few weeks before entering our University back,
all the best for the 3rd n 4th SEM!!^^
insyaAllah MUMTAZ amin~
- pneumothorax,stress,respiration
- asthma,COPD,tuberculosis
- dsypnea,hypoxia,smoking
- rheumatic fever,heart failure
- epidemiology of Cardiovascular diseases,ischemia
- cholesterol,hypertension,arterial blood pressure
- anemia,blood transfusion,hemopoiesis,
- thrombosis,hemopoiesis,physiologic regulation of regional circulation,research ethics
- acid base balance,jugular venous pulse,first aid
class medicine au tib
because they don't want to waste their energy,they don't have to do anything,nothing to be worried of,because of what? because we'll be in the middle of nowhere with no guidance,quarreling among others,
they know all of this will happen,it happen right now here,in Malaysia, we do realize or not,ask yourself,do not pretend that you know nothing, face the fact and try to solve it,even we are student,doesn't mean that we can't do nothing,
i remember in my BTN(biro tata negara)session, i was a leader of others in the whole camp,
at that time, our spirit arouse,really affect us,we just want to do something but we didn't know what we have to do,
so, i ask the instructor,
"sir,i have a question to ask,as a student,what we have to do regardless of study?"
"just study first"they said.
this is the right way to answer it??
wtH is that, really sucks then, we just lost guide for a time and maybe for the next time?who knows?just because of "JUST STUDY FIRST".
come on,we already have good enough mind to think what is best and worst,just say what we gonna do, voting is privacy,fine, then? others?
for sure it is for our Islam,nation and country itself, just tell,do or did not do,depends, as long as we had been instructed of what we have to do,
the facts,
-'we' doesn't really unite
-'we' are weak
-'we' are afraid
i support those 1 Malaysia,but it must be make by all of us,not only by one side,
to convert something huge to other of it, is not impossible but really really hard, i mean it, really hard,
that's why it comes to have innovative despite of creative,
*we do not have to change to others but it is better to help the already one to be the better one,
use what we already have,be creative and think about others

class everydays life
G.O.D-girl on demand, gigantic but desirable,who do not want them? not me~ but which one do i have to choose? bring it on~
from Anas R.A,prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H said that;
A hadith said that;
do you???
am i perfect and suit for the one?who knows~Allah knows me better than myself,
- strive to get the best
- pray a lot, i mean it,a lot~
- tawakkal
- consult parent
class love
ahlan ya ramadhan^^
there is nothing to do about the title,just an IGNORANCE for those who pretend not seeing any of the things happened around. For some reason,we are absolutely obsessed by things that we might know or just having a little knowledge about it.It is not a new things nowadays,but it will come through mouths that cannot be shut due to excess of mind freak obsessions.
is the, ramadhan topic=this topic???
*oh Allah,forgives us,ourself, our parent, our siblings,our family,our friends,our brothers and sisters in islam.give us strength to hold our iman and embrace islam.in this ramadhan,we hope that this is the best ramadhan of all others before.give us the BEST thing in our life and redha of what You had arranged yet after we try to do our best also on it because we did not know of what happen next and what we will get.You are our everything,our hope and our love,true love~amin~
ramadhan will yet come,
DO WE READY FOR IT??do we really really ready? prepare all the strength that we need in case of this meaningful ramadhan.
-Shut the things which MAY disturbing our path to Allah
-take care of others just we take care of our self
-get the knowledge as much as we can denying of what career we are(the good one)
-donation(tzadakah,hebrew's) do lot of it,helping poors and the one who need
-be your self, do not be others,He knows you well enough than you know your self
for me,
-study is my priority regardless of what i study
-modern medicine
-religion aspect
-knowing myself better day by day
-creaming my life management as smooth as possible thus preparing myself to be someone that might shake the world^^
class ahlan
Permata Yang Dicari^^
Hadirnya tanpa kusedari
Menggamit kasih cinta bersemi
Hadir cinta insan padaku ini
Anugerah kurniaan Ilahi
Lembut tutur bicaranya
Menarik hatiku untuk mendekatinya
Kesopanannya memikat di hati
Mendamaikan jiwaku yang resah ini
Ya Allah
Jika dia benar untukku
Dekatkanlah hatinya dengan hatiku
Jika dia bukan milikku
Damaikanlah hatiku
Dengan ketentuan-Mu
dialah permata yang dicari
Selama ini baru kutemui
Tapi ku tak pasti rencana Ilahi
Apakah dia kan kumiliki
Tidak sekali dinodai nafsu
Akan kubatasi dengan syariat-Mu
Jika dirinya bukan untukku
Redha hatiku dengan ketentuan-Mu
Ya Allah
Engkaulah tempat kubergantung harapanku
Kuharap diriku sentiasa di bawah rahmat-Mu
class lyrics