these where the complication begin, one of the most popular statement by Darwin evolution theory is a Natural selection.is it logic??

NO, totally not logic in a second time thought, if we see it for the first time or in first thought it will be totally logic BUT sorry Darwin, you cant fool us by ur research.Adam is the first human, is a logic, creation of the world from the cloud is logic,somehow we as muslim always think bout our faith is not logic, this and this and this is not logic!

BUT do you do research on it?? if not, better DO!, coz its ur responsibility not make urself lost in this complication. Study bout ISLAM and u'll find the logic itself, even the isra' mi'raj is logic. study~

Darwin's Theory of evolution has four main parts;
1) Organisms have transformed over time, and the ones living today are different from those that lived in the past.Further more,many organisms that once lived are now extinct.THe world is not constant,but changing.The fossil record provided plenty evidence for this view.

2)All organisms are derived from common ancestors by a process of branching.Over time, populations aplit into different species,which are related because there are related from a common ancestor.

3)Thus,if one goes far enough back in time,any pair of ancestor have common ancestors.This expalained the similarities of organisms that were classified together, they were similar because of share traits inherited from their common ancestor.

4)chagne is gradual and slow, taking place over a long time

5)The machanism of evolutionary change was a natural selection


- distinguishes one population from another
-the most widely used human racial categories are beased on visible traits sucha s skin colour and facial features.
-the term RACE is used in phyiscal anthropology to denote a division of humankind possessing traits that are transmissible by descent and sufficient to characterize it as a distinct human type.
there are 3 basic race in the world;
1- caucasoid
2- mongoloid
3- negroid

location-europe,north Africa,middle east,north india
skin colour-pale reddish white to olive brown
eye-light blue to dark brown
hair-light blonde to dark browm
nose shape-high nose bridge

location-east asia
skin colour- saffron to yellow or reddish brown
eye- black to dark brown
hair-dark,straight and coarse
nose shape- low or medium nose bridge

location- Africa,sahara,pygmy groups of Indonesia,new guinea and Melanesia
skin colour- brown to brown-black
eye- dark colours
hair- dark,coarse, usually kinky
nose shape- low nose bridge and broad nostril

factors affecting skin colour
pheomelanin-red to yellow
eumelanin- brown to dark brown

which race ARE YOU??


Somehow i just realize that we as a muslim supposely must not have someone who are called 'merempat' or what so ever, i didnt mean it is rude to say that, its just we suppose not to have a poor people n so on coz we are MUSLIM, if we trully inspire on the meaning of zakat n puasa, we know that its not all about hablu minaAllah(relation with Allah) BUT its hablu minannas(relation with human) as well. "the hand above is better than below", seems we suppose to help our people ( i mean muslim ) in what ever things denying from what races we are, from which party we are s long s we are muslim, we have our responsibility towards it. if we do have faith, ISLAM, then show to the world that islam is the BEST, prove that the ISLAM is the right path, if we dont do our best to do it, then we are just a muslim ONLY, we are not BERIMAN to ALLAH n so as the other 5 rukun iman,think bro!

this is an article from BH;
Johor: 3 beranak merempat di bilik kecil

MUAR: Kesempitan hidup yang dialami sejak kematian suami, menyebabkan seorang ibu tunggal, Asmah Roslan, 53, terpaksa tinggal di bilik kecil bersama dua anak lelakinya, di belakang bangunan gerai di Kampung Batu 15, Air Hitam, di sini, sejak 10 tahun lalu.
Beliau berkata, sejak kematian suami, Mohd Nor Sukar, pada 1989, dia terpaksa mencari nafkah bagi menyara dua anak lelakinya Mohd Yusof, 17, dan Mohd Fahrurazi, 12, dengan berniaga makanan dan minuman ringan di gerai pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) di kampung itu.
"Purata keuntungan yang diperoleh antara RM300 hingga RM350 sebulan. Dengan pendapatan sebanyak itu, bukan saja tidak mencukupi untuk menyara keluarga, tetapi tidak membolehkan kami menabung untuk mendirikan rumah," katanya, ditemui di bilik penginapannya, di Air Hitam, di sini, semalam.

Asmah berkata, Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM) ada memberi bantuan persekolahan dua anaknya sebanyak RM200 sebulan, sejak Mei tahun lalu.
Bagaimanapun, katanya, dia bimbang, separuh daripada bantuan itu akan dipotong kerana anaknya yang tua, Mohd Yusof, kini sedang menunggu keputusan peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM). Mohd Fahrurazi, pula belajar di Tahun Enam, Sekolah Kebangsaan Batu 15 Air Hitam. Asmah berharap masalah kesempitan hidup yang dialaminya itu, mendapat perhatian pihak berkuasa, termasuk memperuntukkan sebuah rumah di bawah Program Pembangunan Rakyat Termiskin (PPRT).

Beliau yang berasal dari Kampung Parit Haji Anuar, Air Hitam, mendakwa pernah memohon mendapatkan rumah di bawah PPRT tetapi sehingga kini masih belum diberi perhatian.
Sementara itu, Setiausaha Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (JKKK) Parit Haji Anuar, Anas Jaafar, berkata pihaknya akan membincangkan masalah dihadapi keluarga Asmah dalam mesyuarat JKKK kampung itu, Sabtu ini.